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Markdown Syntax Guide (#markdown ) 2021-07-18

This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also it shows whether basic HTML elements are decorated with CSS in a Hugo theme.

Mermaid Diagrams (#markdown #mermaid ) 2021-07-18
Examples The following are some examples of the diagrams, charts and graphs that can be made using Mermaid. Click here to jump into the full syntax. Flowchart flowchart LR A[Hard] -->|Text| B(Round) B --> C{Decision} C -->|One| D[Result 1] C -->|Two| E[Result 2] will be rendered as: flowchart LR A[Hard] -->|Text| B(Round) B --> C{Decision} C -->|One| D[Result 1] C -->|Two| E[Result 2] Sequence diagram sequenceDiagram Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?