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Puppet Dashboard and selinux | HOME | ABOUT | TAGS

June 25, 2012 | TAGS:

Tags: puppet selinux

Once I got a rough handle on setting up Puppet, I decided to get Puppet Dashboard working on my puppetmaster (a Centos 6 server) to have a sort of web interface to view puppet statuses. Since I already have the puppetlabs repositories setup from when I installed puppet, this was almost as simple as running “yum install puppet-dashboard”.

You then go to /usr/share/puppet-dashboard and follow the install guide to get the database working. Then you can run it locally using the “sudo -u puppet-dashboard ./script/server -e production” command or starting the service (service puppet-dashboard start). I recommed running it manually the first few times to make sure everything is working.

At this point, I was able to browse to http://puppetmaster:3000/ and view a nice looking dashboard with no hosts checked in. I then made sure to add the following to puppetmaster’s puppet.conf [master] section and restart puppet.

I performed a “puppet agent –test” on one of my puppets, and here is where I ran into trouble. Everything appeared to work, but no report or “pending task” showed up in the Dashboard. I ran the Dashboard locally so I could see the http request coming in. No request. I double checked my configuration, everything looked good.

Finally, I ran my puppetmaster in debug/no-daemonize mode. (/usr/sbin/puppetmaster –debug –no-daemonize) so I could watch what was happening. However, in this mode, it worked fine. I ran /usr/sbin/puppetmaster without debugging and it still worked. The reports would get submitted to dashboard if I ran puppetmaster directly, but not if I started it with the init scripts.

I couldn’t find any differences between how the init script was starting puppetmaster vs me starting it manually. However, I did come across this entry in /var/log/messages:

Which led me to the following entry in audit.log

This was an selinux issue. I quickly ascertained that turning enforcing off in selinux allowed my reports to get through. I couldn’t find anyone else online encountering this issue. However, many people disable selinux enforcing early on and I guess the cross-section of puppet-dashboard users and those using selinux enforcing is somewhat small.

How to fix this? There is a set of python programs called “audit2why” and “audit2allow” as part of the policycoreutils-python package. These tools will parse entries from the audit.log and either explain why an action was denied or provide a solution. You can get these tools by doing a “yum install policycoreutils-python”.

Now we can use audit2allow to parse our audit.log error. You’ll want to run the tool, paste in your log entry, and then hit Ctrl+D on a blank line.

The above gives you a textual view of a module you can create to allow puppetmaster to make an outbound connection. audit2allow will even generate that module with the -M option.

That generated the module “puppetmaster.pp”. Despite the pp extension, this is not a puppet manifest, but an selinux binary module. Let’s install it.

With that, puppetmaster can communicate with dashboard and reports are flowing. The only remaining thing left to do is to file a bug report. As it happened, someone had posted a bug report similar to this for documentation on the puppetdb project. I decided to append to that issue, but I suggested migrating the issue to the main puppet project. Issue #15567.