armchair dot tech

December 25, 2005 | TAGS:

Ok, let’s see.. to address an email sent to me, yes I am aware of the spam infection on the guestbook. I have plans to a) block the spam, and b) implement a comment system in the main page. I’m just very lazy about it.

Ok, now for today’s events (journal like for now, but then I plan to get more rant-like later in the post.

Ok, so while I was composing this entry in my mind, I came up with a quasi-philosphical/psychological question for myself to answer – I’m not even sure exactly what I’m asking, so this is my way of working it out. Basically, the idea is that if something is immediately recognizable to you, very familiar, can it mean as much as something that you don’t recognize, but must learn to understand? That seems a bit vague, so here’s some examples.



