armchair dot tech

January 1, 2003 | TAGS:

It’s 11am.. the phone rings. Being a considerate person, I answer the phone. me: Hello? her: Hey it’s me. Did I talk to you last night? me: (Thinks back a bit) Yes, yes we did. her: Oh, ok. I wasn’t sure, I don’t really remember much of anything last night. me: Oh really? I remember every word (what did we talk about anyways?) We go back and forth a bit like this, ending up with me revealing that we had worked out some wedding plans and were going to get married sometime within the next two weeks. her: Ok, well I’ll see you Friday then. me: (knowing full well that we have drill on Friday) Friday? What are you doing Friday? her: You!, hopefully. me: Oh. Well of course. See you then. Happy New Years. (Oh and I hope you had a Merry Xmas). Cheerios, Squegie